sore, aku pergi keliling ke Komplek Dirgantara-1, salah satu dari 10
Kompleks Perumahan TNI-AU di wilayah Halim Perdanakusuma. Tujuanku
kesana adalah untuk sekedar membeli jus di sebuah warung bakso bernama
"Bakso Solcap".
Ketika aku sudah memesan jus yang hendak
kubeli, tiba tiba datang seorang bapak tua, yang dari logatnya,
menurutku mungkin berasal dari wilayah Jawa barat, Rupanya dia seorang penjual serbet
"serbet..serbet, serbet dari bahan empuk, buat lap, bersih-bersih'' katanya denga suara parau
Tiba-tiba aku langsung terenyuh, "Ah mana jusnya udah dibuat lagi,
segala uang ngepas lah" aku membatin dengan agak kecewa. "coba belum
dibuat, kan bisa dikurangin mesen jusnya, terus bisa bantu bapak ini"
kataku dalam hati,
"Serbet.. serbet, serbetnya bu" katanya
lagi, namun tak satu pun orang menghiraukan. Aku pun semakin tidak enak
hati. Mendadak aku teringat akan roti yang aku beli dari ''Alfamart''
sebelum menuju warung bakso ini, tanpa pikir panjang langsung aku
tawarkan kepada bapak ini. Rupanya beliau sangat senang
"Terima kasih, nak" katanya dengan suara bergetar seraya memasukkan roti itu ke tasnya yang berisi kumpulan serbet
"Sama-sama, pak" jawabku
Tak lama, seorang penjaga warung berkata "masuk pak, ini ada bakso"
"Hah?" kataku terkejut, begitu pun dengan penjual serbet tsb. Beliau pun masuk dan duduk menimati bakso yang ditawarkan.
Tampak beliau begitu gembira, kemudian ditaruhnya tas berisi serbet
yang tampak berat itu di sebelahnya dan ia memijat pundaknya yang,
pastinya, pegal itu karena menahan beban berat untuk waktu lama.
Kemudian beliau mulai menyantap makanannya.
Ketika membayar jus
pesananku yang sudah selesai dibuat, aku bertanya pada si penjual, "ini
ga apa-apa mas? ga ditanya yang empunya nanti, baksonya rugi
"Ya kalau ditanya, ya udahlah mas" katanya "tinggal potong upah saya aja" lanjutnya sambil cengar-cengir.
"Luar biasa" batinku sambil terheran-heran
Aku pun kemudian berpamitan pada bapak itu dan si penjual bakso, lalu
pulang. Dalam perjalanan pulang aku terus memikirkan kejadian itu,
sampai harus ditulis di sini, pagi ini.
Ada banyak pelajaran yang bisa dipetik dari kejadian sore itu.
1. Jika seorang yang sudah renta saja tetap memilih bekerja utk
memenuhi kebutuhan hidup, kenapa banyak orang yang lebih memilih
2. Jika seorang yang sudah renta saja mampu memikul
beban dagangan yang sangat berat, sambil berjalan kaki utk
menawarkannya, Kenapa kita para pemuda malah bermalas-malasan?
3. Jika orang yang upahnya, katakanlah pas-pasan saja, mampu menolong
orang yang membutuhkan, kenapa kita yang mendapat upah diatas UMP malah
apatis dan anti-sosial?
4. Jika kita masih mampu makan,
minimal, 3x sehari dan naik kendaraan untuk bepergian kemanapun, jangan
pernah berpikir kalau kita punya masalah superberat. Apalagi cuma
masalah cinta-cintaan atau galau belaka.
5. Di atas langt memang masih ada langit, tapi di bawah rumput masih ada tanah.
6. Terakhir, rasa bersalah karena kita tidak mampu menolong orang yang
membutuhkan dengan maksimal adalah salah satu perasaan paling tidak
menyenangkan sedunia.
So guys, have you been a useful and helpful person yet?
Saturday, 31 May 2014
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
A Poetry of 7K

I got a new sight
I think I can fight
I have something to commit
I was in 7K for a minute
I feel a new spirit
In myself to be translated
It is time to back
I was in 7K wearing black
I got paper to pack
and sphere to check
welcome to reality
I went to 7K and it is hommy
I am so happy
Now I know how it is going to be
I want to be better
I want a power
to cry the laughter in fire
British English vs American English
This is a story about Nate who lives in New York and Laura who lives in London
(Watch the Capitalized Words)
Nate lives in an APARTMENT and Laura lives in a FLAT. Every morning, when getting dressed, Nate puts on a pair PANTS and Laura puts on a pair of TROUSERS. Nate has two KIDS, while on the other side, Laura has four CHILDREN. Everyday, Nate changes the baby's DIAPER and Laura changes the baby's NAPPY.
When it's time to go work, Nate takes the SUBWAY, and Laura takes the UNDERGROUND (which is also called the TUBE). After getting stop at the right stop, Nate walks along the SIDEWALK and Laura walks along the PAVEMENT to reach their offices. Nate works on the FIRST FLOOR, and Laura works on the GROUND FLOOR. This means that Nate does not have to take the ELEVATOR and Laura does not have to take the LIFT. At work, Nate has to send the documents by MAIL, and Laura has to send them by POST.
During the day, Nate snacks on COOKIES, FRIES, and CHIPS. Laura eats the same things but she calls them BISCUITS, CHIPS, and CRISPS. Suddenly, both of them get stomachaches, so Nate goes to PHARMACY or DRUGSTORE and Laura goes to the CHEMIST'S SHOP to pick up some medicine.
Every weekend, Nate and Laura go shopping. They drive to the mall. Nate puts his car in the PARKING LOT, while Laura puts hers in the CAR PARK. Both of them buy a lot of stuff, so Nate puts the bags in the TRUNK and Laura puts them in the BOOT.
On the way home, Nate fills up his car with GAS, while Laura fills up hers with PETROL. At the station, Nate sees a TRUCK and Laura sees a LORRY. They both get home late. Nate needs to take out the TRASH or GARBAGE; Laura also needs to take out the RUBBISH. It's dark outside, so Nate takes a FLASHLIGHT and Laura uses a TORCH.
It's been a busy week for them, Nate thinks he might go CRAZY while Laura is afraid she will go MAD. At the end of the month, it is time for a VACATION for Nate, and a HOLIDAY for Laura.
Thank you for reading
Source click here
Monday, 26 May 2014
We Are All Killer
We Are All Killer
Believe it or not.
We kill our babies slowly
by smoking next to them.
Believe it or not.
We kill out people slowly
by contributing in pollution.
Believe it or not.
We kill our country slowly
by keep thinking negatively.
Believe it or not.
We kill our planet slowly
by littering plastics to our soil and ocean.
Believe it or not.
We kill our precious time slowly
by keep looking down to our phones.
Believe it or not.
We kill our humanity slowly
by trying to not care about our neighborhood.
Believe it or not.
We kill ourselves slowly
by evolving into an antisocial person.
Believe it or not.
The end of world
is slowly getting closer.
Believe it or not.
We kill our babies slowly
by smoking next to them.
Believe it or not.
We kill out people slowly
by contributing in pollution.
Believe it or not.
We kill our country slowly
by keep thinking negatively.
Believe it or not.
We kill our planet slowly
by littering plastics to our soil and ocean.
Believe it or not.
We kill our precious time slowly
by keep looking down to our phones.
Believe it or not.
We kill our humanity slowly
by trying to not care about our neighborhood.
Believe it or not.
We kill ourselves slowly
by evolving into an antisocial person.
Believe it or not.
The end of world
is slowly getting closer.
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